Link List of 2 Chronicles the 14th Book of the Bible [in Smaller Chunks]
Click on the links on right to view any of the following chapters of 2 Chronicles. Remember, only a range of verse numbers are provided, since some repetitious things have been deleted within a chapter.
Note that the Titles for each book of the Bible will cover many more events than what the title says.
2 Chronicles 1:1-17 God Gives King Solomon Wisdom & Knowledge
2 Chronicles 2:1-18 Workers Selected to Build Temple of the Lord God
2 Chronicles 3:1-17 Solomon Begins Building the Lord’s House
2 Chronicles 4:1-22 Inside Furnishings for the Temple Being Built
2 Chronicles 5:1-14 The Work on the Lord’s House Finished
2 Chronicles 6:1-42 Solomon Blesses the Lord God & His House
2 Chronicles 7:1-22 Lord God Has Fire Come Down from Heaven
2 Chronicles 8:1-18 Solomon Continues Building
2 Chronicles 9:1-31 The Queen of Sheba Visits King Solomon
2 Chronicles 10:1-19 The Israelites Make a Request to King Rehoboam
2 Chronicles 11:1-23 The Fenced Cities King Rehoboam Built
2 Chronicles 12:1-16 King of Egypt Fights Against King Rehoboam
2 Chronicles 13:1-22 War Between Abijah & Jeroboam
2 Chronicles 14:1-15 Asa Relied on the Lord God & Judah Had Peace 10 Years
2 Chronicles 15:1-19 Israelites Turned Back to the Lord God Under Asa
2 Chronicles 16:1-14 Asa Makes a Treaty with Syria’s King
2 Chronicles 17:1-19 During Jehoshaphat’s Rule
2 Chronicles 18:1-34 King Ahab Asks if He Should Go to Battle
2 Chronicles 19:1-11 King Jehoshaphat Returns from the War
2 Chronicles 20:1-37 Attackers Approached Jehoshaphat
2 Chronicles 21:1-20 After Jehoshaphat’s Death
2 Chronicles 22:1-12 The Next King of Judah, Ahaziah
2 Chronicles 23:1-21 Hidden 6 Years, Joash is Made the King
2 Chronicles 24:1-27 Joash Repairs the House of the Lord God
2 Chronicles 25:1-27 Amaziah Rules After Joash, His Father, is Killed
2 Chronicles 26:1-23 Uzziah Becomes King After Amaziah Dies
2 Chronicles 27:1-9 Uzziah’s Son, Jotham, Ruled
2 Chronicles 28:1-27 The Wicked Reign of King Ahaz
2 Chronicles 29:1-36 Re-Opening the House of the Lord God
2 Chronicles 30:1-27 Hezekiah Holds a Passover
2 Chronicles 31:1-21 Congregation Brings the First Fruits
2 Chronicles 32:1-33 Hezekiah Prepares to Defend Judah
2 Chronicles 33:1-25 Manasseh Humbles His Heart Before God
2 Chronicles 34:1-33 Young King Josiah Removes the Idols
2 Chronicles 35:1-27 King Josiah Holds a Passover
2 Chronicles 36:1-23 God Sent His People Prophets