Link List of The Song of Solomon the 22nd Book of the Bible [in Smaller Chunks]
Click on the links on right to view any of the following chapters of The Song of Solomon. Remember, only a range of verse numbers are provided, since some repetitious things have been deleted within a chapter.
Note that the Titles for each book of the Bible will cover many more events than what the title says.
Song of Solomon 1:1-17 Solomon's Love for the Shepherdess Compared with His Love for The Lord God
Song of Solomon 2:1-17 Going to the Banqueting Table, Compared to Jesus Christ in Heaven
Song of Solomon 3:1-11 Looking for the Lord God, Compared to Looking for Her Beloved
Song of Solomon 4:1-16 Descriptions from the Married Couple, Compared with Jesus Christ & His Bride
Song of Solomon 5:1-16 Seeking Her Beloved, Compared with Seeking Jesus Christ
Song of Solomon 6:1-13 Where has Her Beloved Gone? The Lord God Warns: Repent & Don't Be Led Astray
Song of Solomon 7:1-13 The Newlyweds Appreciating Each Other's Bodies, that the Lord God Created
Song of Solomon 8:1-14 Comparing the Lord God's Love, with The Newlywed’s Love for Each Other