A Psalm of David. |
Psalm 37:1-40 Book# 1 of Psalms [in Smaller Chunks] |
[Don't worry] yourself, because of [those who do evil.] Neither [should] you be envious against those who [work sinfully.] For they shall soon be cut down, like the grass & wither [like] the green herb. Trust in the Lord & do good; so you shall dwell in the land & truly, you shall be fed. |
[Revelation 7:15-17 Therefore, [those who] are before the throne of God & serve Him day & night in His temple & He, [Who] sits on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall no [longer] hunger & thirst anymore. |
Neither shall the sun, nor any heat [burn] them. For the Lamb, [Who] is in the [middle] of the throne, shall feed them & shall lead them to Living Fountains of Waters. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.] |
Also, delight yourself in the Lord & He shall give you the desires of your heart. [Dedicate] your [path] to the Lord & also trust in Him & He shall [make it happen.] And He shall bring forth your righteousness [like] the light & your [justice like noon.] |
Rest in the Lord & wait patiently for Him. [Don't worry] yourself, because of him who prospers in [what he does,] because of the man, who [causes] wicked [plots to happen.] |
[Psalm 145:18-21 The Lord is [near] to all [those who] call upon Him & to all [who] call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of [those who] fear [respect] Him. Also, He will hear their [outcry] & will save them. The Lord [saves] all [those who] love Him: But He will destroy all the wicked.] |
Cease from anger & [abandon fury.] [Don't worry] yourself [at all, about those who] do evil. For [those who do evil] shall be cut off: but those [who] wait upon the Lord, shall inherit the earth. For yet, [in] a little while, the wicked shall not be. [Yes,] you shall [seriously] consider his place & it shall not [exist.] |
[Revelation 22:12-15 And [look,] I come quickly & [My] reward with Me & shall be, to give to every man according [to] his deeds. I am [the] Alpha & Omega, The Beginning & the End, the First & the Last. Blessed are [those who] do His |
Commandments, [so] that they may have [the] right to the Tree of Life & may enter in through the gates into the city. For [outside] are dogs, sorcerers, [sexual traffickers,] murderers, idolaters & [whoever] loves & [invents lies.] |
But the [humble] shall inherit the earth & shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. [Matthew 25:33-34 And He shall set the sheep on His right hand [side,] but the goats on the left. Then, the King shall say to them on His right hand, You come, [who] are blessed [by] My Father & inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.] |
The wicked [plot] against the just & gnash upon them with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for He sees that his day is coming. [1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 For [you] know perfectly that the day of the Lord comes [like] a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace & safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them [like labor pains] upon a woman [delivering a] child & they shall not escape.] |
The wicked have [pulled their] sword out & have bent their bow, to [throw] down the poor & needy & to [kill those who speak righteously.] Their sword shall enter into their own heart & their bows shall be broken. A little that a righteous man has is better than the riches of many [who are] wicked. |
For the [weapons] of the wicked shall be broken: but the Lord [defends] the righteous. The Lord knows the days of the [righteous] & their inheritance shall be forever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time & in the days of famine, they shall be satisfied. |
[Isaiah 49:8-10 *The Lord [says this,] In an acceptable time, I have heard you & I have helped you [during] the day of salvation. I will preserve You & give You for a Covenant of the people to establish the earth, to cause the desolate heritages to [be] inherited. [So,] that You may say to the prisoners, Go [out,] |
[And] to those in darkness, [Show] yourselves. They shall feed in the [paths] & their pastures shall be in all high places. They shall not hunger, nor thirst. Neither shall the heat, nor the sun [burn] them. For He, [Who] has mercy on them, shall lead them, even by the springs of water, He shall guide them.] |
[But] the wicked borrow & [don't repay.] But the righteous show mercy & give. For [they] shall be blessed [by] Him & shall inherit the earth. And [those who are] cursed [by] Him, shall be [destroyed.] |
[2 Peter 3:9-10 The Lord is not slack [related] to His promise, [like] some men [consider] slackness; but is [patient to us,] not [wanting] that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. |
But the Day of the Lord will come [like] a thief in the night. In which, the heavens shall pass away with a [loud] noise & the elements shall melt with fervent heat & the earth also & the [things made] that are [in there,] shall be burned up.] |
The steps of a good man are [directed] by the Lord & He delights in his [ways.] [Psalm 119:5 O that my ways were directed to keep Your [mandates!] [Although] he [falls,] he shall not [totally] be cast down: for the Lord [supports] him with His hand. I have been young & now am old. |
[Still,] I haven't seen the righteous [abandoned,] nor his [descendants] begging [for] bread. [The righteous are always] merciful & lend. And his [descendants] are blessed. Depart from evil & do good & live forever more. |
[Ezekiel 18:21-23 But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he has committed & keep all My [mandates] & do [what] is lawful & right, he shall surely live & he shall not die. |
All his [sins] he has committed, shall not be mentioned to him. He shall live in his righteousness that he has done. [Do] I have any pleasure at all, that the wicked should die? says the Lord God & not [instead] that he should return from his ways & live?] |
For the Lord loves [justice] & [doesn't abandon] His saints. They are [safeguarded] forever. But the [descendants] of the wicked shall be cut off. The righteous shall inherit the land & [live in it there] forever. The mouth of the righteous [speaks] wisdom & his tongue talks of [justice.] |
[Matthew 12:35-37 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart, brings forth good things. And an evil man, out of the evil treasure, brings forth evil things. But I say to you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account [for them on] the Day of Judgment. For by your words you shall be justified & by your words you shall be condemned.] |
The [Laws] of his God [are] in his heart & none of his steps shall [slip.] The wicked watches the righteous & seeks to slay him. The Lord won't leave [the righteous] in [the] hand [of the wicked,] nor condemn [the righteous] when he is judged. |
[2 Peter 2:9 The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of [troubles] & to reserve the unjust [until] the Day of Judgment to be punished.] Wait on the Lord & keep His [path] & He shall exalt you to inherit the land. When the wicked are cut off, you shall see it. |
[Revelation 21:1-3 And I saw a new heaven & a new earth. For the 1st heaven & the 1st earth [had] passed away. And there was no more sea. And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven, from God, prepared [like] a bride adorned for her husband. |
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, [Look,] the Tabernacle of God is with men. And He will [live] with them & they shall be His people & God, Himself, shall be with them & be their God.] |
I have seen the wicked in great power & spreading himself [out] like a green bay tree. [Still,] he passed away & [look] he [no longer] was. [Yes,] I sought him, but he couldn't be found. [Note] the perfect man & [look at] the [righteous:] for the end of that man is peace. |
[Ephesians 2:12-14 But now, [during the] time, you were without Christ, being [foreigners] from the [region] of Israel & strangers from the covenants of promise, without God & having no hope in the world. |
But now, [with faith] in Christ Jesus, you [who] were sometimes far [away,] are made mighty [through] the blood of Christ. For He, Who is our peace, has made both [united like] one & has broken down the [middle] partition between us.] |
But the [sinners] shall be destroyed together. The end of the wicked shall be cut off. But the salvation of the righteous is [from] the Lord. He is their strength in the time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them & deliver them. He shall deliver them from the wicked & save them, because they trust in Him. |
[Daniel 12:2-3 And many of [those who] sleep in the [dirt] of the earth, shall awake, some to everlasting life & some to shame & everlasting contempt. And [those who are] wise, shall shine [like] the brightness of the [sky] & [those who] turn many to righteousness [shall shine] like the stars forever & ever.] |