About the Author of the Blogsite, Not the Author of the Bible:

About the Author of the Blogsite, Not the Author of the Bible: I was uncertain of how to accomplish this, mindful of Revelation 22:18-19, which says that nobody is to add to, or to take away from what was written in the Bible. After lots of prayerful contemplation, the Lord had it on my heart that I’m not to change the meaning of what is written in the Bible. He has also shown ways to add to people’s understating of that meaning, without altering the meaning, by putting that info within [brackets]. This is primarily accomplished with the KJV Bible and lots of prayers, but at times, BibleGateway.com, Biblehub.com, NIV Bible, Webster Dictionary, and other internet resources, as needed. Debra Seiling

About Understanding the Bible:

Understanding the Bible: After reading Isaiah 28:10 many times over the years and not totally understanding it, it recently became apparent to me that the Lord God has this passage as the means for understanding the Bible. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. Isaiah 28:10 KJV. Being prayerful about this passage, and looking up 'precept' in the Webster's Dictionary, it gave this passage a whole new meaning, once 'commandment' is substituted for 'precept'. Within brackets are additional words the Lord had on my heart to aid in understanding the meaning. For commandment must be [built up] upon commandment; commandment upon commandment; line upon line, line upon line; [developing understanding] here a little, and there a little.

The Table Format:

The Table Format: I was overwhelmed with how to explain the process for determining if someone had leprosy in Leviticus 13, which seemed very complicated. After praying, "Lord, if this is difficult for me to understand after reading it many times, how can this be explained to others?" The thought the Lord God had on my heart was for me to put it into a vertical chart to visually see the process. This made it much easier for me to follow the progression. After doing so, I prayed, "Lord, how can this be conveyed to readers, so that they can understand this process?" The thought the Lord God had on my heart was to put it within the lines of a table. Being a stiff-necked, stubborn person, as it's often called in the Bible, I prayed, asking the Lord God if He's sure that's really what He wanted me to do? I reluctantly put Leviticus 13 into a table format. When I read this difficult leprosy process within a table format, it suddenly became easier for me to understand. That's because it builds line upon line, as explained in the Understanding the Bible section. Shortly after that, the Lord God had it on my heart, to put all of The Books of the Bible in Smaller Chunks within a table format, to aid in understanding, line upon line.

Ezekiel 18:1-32 No Longer Using the Proverb About the Fathers Eating Sour Grapes


No Longer Using the Proverb About the Fathers Eating Sour Grapes

Ezekiel 18:1-32             The Book of Ezekiel [in Smaller Chunks]

The Word of the Lord came to me again, saying, What [do] you mean, [when] you use this proverb [about] the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes & the children's teeth are set on edge? The Lord God says, As I Live, you shall [no longer] have any occasion to use this proverb in Israel. 

[Look,] all souls, [a.k.a. lives,] are Mine. [Like] the soul of the father, also [is] the soul of the son, Mine. The soul that sins shall die. [Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.] 

But if a man [is] just & [does what] is lawful & right and hasn't: eaten upon the mountains; lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel; defiled his neighbor's wife; come near to a woman [during her monthly cycle;] & hasn't oppressed any. 

But [he] has: restored his pledge to the debtor; [plundered] none by violence; has given his bread to the hungry & covered the naked with a garment. He, [who] hasn't: [lent for interest;] taken [undue profit.] 

[He, who] has: withdrawn his hand from [what is] [sinful; carried out] true [justice] between [one] man & [another] man; has [followed] in My [mandates] & has kept My judgments, to deal [fairly.] He is just & he shall surely live, says the Lord God. 

[Romans 10:4-5 For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness, to everyone [who] believes. For Moses describes the righteousness which id [by] the Law. That the man, [who] does those things & shall live by them.] 

If he [fathers] a son [who] is a robber & [sheds] blood. [Genesis 9:6 [Whoever] sheds man's blood, his blood shall be shed by man. For He made man in the image of God.]

And [he] does [similar] to any of these things: and doesn't [do] any of those duties, but has even: eaten upon the mountains & defiled his neighbor's wife. [Isaiah 65:6-7 [Look,] it is written before Me; I won't keep [silent,] but will [repay,] even [pay them back] into their [chest.] 

The Lord says, [For] your [sins] & the [sins] of your fathers together, [who] have burned incense upon the mountains & blasphemed Me upon the hills. Therefore I will measure [out, for] their [previous deeds] into their [chest.] 

[And] has: oppressed the poor & needy & has [plundered through] violence & hasn't restored the pledge & has: lifted up his eyes to the idols; has committed [what is an] abomination; has [lent for interest;] has taken [undue profit.] Shall he live? 

He, [who] has done all these abominations shall not live & he shall surely die. His blood shall be upon him. [Ezekiel 3:18-19 When I say to the wicked, You shall surely die & you [don't] give him [a] warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked [ways,] to save his life. 

The same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but I will require his blood at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked & he [doesn't] turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked [ways,] he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.]

Now, [look,] if he [fathers] a son [who] sees all his father's sins, [that] he has done & considers [it] & doesn't [do the same,] & hasn't: eaten upon the mountains; lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, not defiled his neighbor's wife, [hasn't] oppressed any; not [withheld] the pledge, & neither has [plundered] by violence, but has: given his bread to the hungry & has covered the naked with a garment. 

That [hasn't: withdrawn] his hand from the poor; received [interest;] nor [undue profit;] & has: [carried out] My [justice;] & has [followed] in My [mandates;] he shall not die for the [sins] of his father & he shall surely live. 

As for his father, because he: cruelly oppressed; [plundered] his brother by violence & did [what] isn't good among his people, [look,] even he shall die in his [sin.] [Still,] you say, Why? Doesn't the son [carry the sins] of the father? 

When the son has done [what] is lawful & right & has kept all My [mandates] & has done them, he shall surely live. The soul, [who] sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the [sins] of the father & neither shall the father [bear the [sins] of the son. 

The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him & the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. [2 Peter 3:9-10 The Lord isn't [slow] concerning His promise, [like] some men [consider] slackness; but is [patient] to us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.] 

*But the day of the Lord will come [like] a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a [loud] noise & the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth & also the [things made] that are [in it,] shall be burned up.]

But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he has committed & [keeps] all My [mandates & does what] is lawful & right, surely he shall live & he shall not die. All his [sins] that he has committed, shall not be mentioned to him. He shall live in his righteousness that he has done. 

[Acts 3:19-20 Therefore, you repent & be converted, [so] that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord & He shall send Jesus Christ, [Who] before was preached to you.] 

The Lord God says, [Do] I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? And not that he should return from his ways & live?

[1 Timothy 2:3-6 For this is good & [appropriate] in the sight of God our Savior; Who [wants] all men to be saved & come to the knowledge of the Truth. For there is One God & One Mediator between God & men, The Man, Christ Jesus, Who gave Himself [as] a ransom for all to be [witnessed] in due time.] 

But when the righteous, turns away from his righteousness & commits [what is] [sinful] & [does] according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All his righteousness that he has done, shall not be mentioned. In his trespass & in his sin [he has committed,] he shall die in them. 

[Ezekiel 3:20-21 Again, when I lay a stumbling block before a righteous man & [he] [turns] from his righteousness & commits [what is] iniquity, he shall die, because you haven't given him [a] warning. He shall die in his sin & his righteousness [that] he has [previously] done, shall not be remembered; but I will require his blood at your hand. 

[However,] if you warn the righteous man, [to do what is] righteous, & [not to] sin & he doesn't sin, he shall surely live, because he [has been] warned & you have also delivered your soul.] 

[Still,] you say, The [Ways] of the Lord [aren't] equal, [a.k.a. equitable.] Hear now, O house of Israel; [Aren't] My [Ways] equal? Aren't your ways unequal? When a righteous man turns away from his righteousness & commits [what is] iniquity, he shall die for his [sins] that he has done. 

Again, when the wicked man turns away from his wickedness that he has committed & does [what] is lawful & right, he shall save his [life] alive. Because he [considered] & turns away from all his [sins] that he has committed. He shall surely live & he shall not die.

[Still,] the house of Israel, says, The [Ways] of the Lord [aren't] equal. O house of Israel, aren't My ways equal? Aren't your ways unequal, [a.k.a. unfair?] Therefore, I will judge you, O house of Israel, everyone according to his ways, says the Lord God. 

Repent & turn yourselves from all your [sins;] so iniquity shall not be your ruin. [Throw] away from you all your [sins, by which] you have transgressed. And make [yourself] a new heart & a new spirit. For why will you die, O house of Israel?

For I have no pleasure in the death of him, [who] dies, says the Lord God. [For this reason, return yourselves] & live. [Revelation 22:12-15 And [watch,] I come quickly; & My reward shall be to give to every man according as his [deeds.] I Am [the] Alpha & [the] Omega, the Beginning & the End, the First & the Last. 

Blessed are [those who] do His commandments, [so] that they may have right to the Tree of Life & may enter in through the gates into the city. For [outside] are: dogs; sorcerers; [sexual traffickers;] murderers; idolaters & [whoever] loves & makes [up lies.