Ezekiel is to Prophesy Against Gog & Magog |
Ezekiel 38:1-23 The Book of Ezekiel [in Smaller Chunks] |
And the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, [turn] your face against Gog; [from] the land of Magog; the chief prince of Meshech, [a.k.a. Rosh;] & Tubal & prophesy against him. |
[Revelation 20:7-10 And when the 1,000 years are [finished,] Satan shall be [loosened] out of his prison & shall go to deceive the nations [that] are in the 4 quarters of the earth, Gog & Magog, to gather them together to battle. |
The number of whom is [like] the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth & [surrounded around] the camp of the saints & the beloved city. |
And fire came down from God out of heaven & devoured them. And the devil, [who] deceived them was cast into the lake of fire & brimstone, where the beast & the false prophet are & shall be tormented day & night forever & ever.] |
And say, The Lord God says [this; Look,] I Am against you, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech & Tubal. And I will put hooks into your jaws & I will bring you [out] & [return] you back & all your army of horses & horsemen. |
All of them clothed with all [types] of armor, even a [large] company, with [small shields & large] shields, & all of them handling swords. |
[Ezekiel 29:4-5 But I will put hooks in your jaws & I will cause the fish of your rivers to stick to your scales & I will bring you up out of the midst of your rivers & all the fish of your rivers shall stick to your scales. |
And I will leave you & all the fish of your rivers, thrown into the wilderness & shall fall upon the open fields. You shall not be gathered, nor brought together. I have given you for [food] to the [wild animals] of the field & to the [birds] of the [heavens.] |
[Those from:] Persia; Ethiopia; & Libya, with all of [those] with [shields & helmets.] Gomer & all his [troops;] [from] the house of: To Garmah, [from] the North quarters & all his [troops] & many people with you. You, be prepared & prepare for yourself, you & all your [troops, who] are assembled to you. And you be a guard [for] them. |
[Ezekiel 46:3-4 [Also,] the people of the land shall worship at the [gate's] door, [in front of] the Lord [on] the Sabbaths & [on] the New Moons. And [on] the Sabbath day, the burnt offering that the prince shall offer to the Lord, shall be 6 lambs & a ram without blemish.] |
After many days, you, [a.k.a. Gog,] shall be visited. In the latter years, you shall come into the land, that is brought back from the sword & [has been] gathered [from] many people, [next to] the mountains of Israel, which have always been [wastelands,] but [has been] brought out of the nations. And all of them shall dwell safely. |
And you, [a.k.a. Gog,] & all your [troops] & many people with you shall ascend & come [up] like a storm & you shall be like a cloud [that covers] the land. The Lord God says [this;] It shall also [happen,] that at the same time [these] things come to mind, & you shall [have] an evil thought & you shall say, I will go up to the land of villages [without walls.] |
I will go to [those] that are at [peace,] that dwell safely. All of them [dwell] without walls, [with] neither bars, nor gates, to take [plunder & booty] to turn your hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited & upon the people, [a.k.a. Israelites, who] are gathered [from] the nations, [that] have gotten cattle & goods & dwell in the midst of the land. |
Sheba; Dedan; the merchants of Tarshish, with all [its] young lions, shall say to you, [Have] you come to take [the plunder?] [Have] you gathered your [troops] to take [booty?] To carry away: silver; gold; cattle; & goods & to take a [large] [amount of] [plunder?] |
Therefore, Son of man, prophesy & say to Gog, The Lord God says [this; On] that day, when My people, Israel, dwell safely, [won't] you know it? And you & many people with you, all of them riding upon horses & a [large] company & a mighty army shall come from your place out of the [far North.] |
And you shall come up against My people of Israel, [like] a cloud to cover the land. It shall be in the latter days & I will bring you against My land, [so] that the heathen may know Me, when I shall be sanctified [through] you, [in front of] their eyes, O Gog. |
The Lord God says [this;] Are you he, of whom I have spoken [of] in [ancient times,] by My servants, the prophets of Israel, [who] have prophesied in those days, that [in] many years, I would bring you against them? |
And the Lord God says, It shall [happen] at that same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, that My fury shall [show] upon My face. For in My jealousy & in the fire of My wrath, I have [said,] Surely, [on] that day, there shall be great shaking in the land of Israel. |
[Revelation 8:5 And the Angel took the censer & filled it with fire [from] the altar & cast it to the earth. And there were voices & [thundering; lighting & earthquakes.] |
So, that the [fish] of the sea; [birds;] of the [heavens; animals] of the field; all creeping things that creep upon the earth & all men, [who] are upon the [surface] of the earth, shall shake at My presence. And the mountains shall be thrown down & the steep places shall fall & every wall shall fall to the ground. |
[Revelation 6:13-17 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, even [like] a fig tree [throws] [down] [its premature] figs, when she is shaken [by] a mighty wind. And the heaven departed [like] a scroll, when it is rolled together. And every mountains & island were moved out of their places. |
And the kings of the earth; the great men; the richmen; chief captains; mighty men; every [man in chains;] & every free man, hid themselves in the dens & rocks of the mountains & said to the mountains & rocks, Fall on us & hide us from the face of Him, [Who] sits on the throne & from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of His wrath [has] come & who shall be able to [endure?] |
And I will call for a sword against him, [a.k.a. Gog,] throughout all [of] My mountains, says the Lord God. Every man's sword shall be against his brother. [Haggai 2:22 And I will overthrow the throne of [the] kingdoms. |
And I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen. And I will overthrow the chariots & those, [who] ride in them. And the horses & their riders shall come down, everyone by the sword of his brother.] |
And I will plead against him with: pestilence & with [bloodshed.] And I will rain [down] upon him, & upon his [troops] & his many people, [who] are with him; an overflowing rain & great hailstones, fire & brimstone. |
[By this,] I will magnify Myself & sanctify Myself. And I will be known in the eyes of many nations & they shall know that I Am the Lord. |