The Lord Foretells How Unfaithful Israel Is & Will Later Return to Him |
Hosea 3:1-5 The Book of Hosea [in Smaller Chunks] |
Then, the Lord said to me, [Still] go, according to the love the Lord [had] toward the children [people] of Israel & love a woman, [who still] [is] an adulteress, beloved [by] her friend, who [looks] to other gods & [loves flasks] of wine. |
[Isaiah 65:2-3 I have spread out My hands all day to a rebellious people, [who follow] after their own thoughts, in a [path] that wasn't good. A people that continually provoke Me to anger to My face & sacrifices in the gardens & [burns] incense upon altars of brick.] |
So, I bought her [for Myself,] for 15 pieces of silver; & 1 1/2 [homers] of barley. And I said to her, You shall [stay with] Me many days & you shall [no longer] play the [unfaithful] harlot. And you shall [no longer] be for another man. |
[Psalm 45:10-11 [Pay attention, & lean] your ear, O daughter & [contemplate this,] also forget your own people, & your father's house. So shall the King greatly desire your beauty. For He is your Lord; & you, worship Him.] |
I will also be for you. For the children [people] of Israel shall [remain] many days without: a king; a prince; a sacrifice; an image; an ephod; & without a teraphim, [a.k.a. idols.] |
Afterward, the children [people] of Israel shall return & seek the Lord their God, & David, their king. And shall fear [respect] the Lord & His goodness in the latter days. |