The Unfaithful People Worship False gods & Reject the Knowledge of the Lord |
Hosea 4:1-19 The Book of Hosea [in Smaller Chunks] |
You children [people] of Israel, Hear the Word of the Lord. For the Lord has a controversy, [a.k.a. dispute,] with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no: Truth, mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By [their:] swearing, lying, skilling, stealing, & committing adultery, & they break out [fighting with] blood [relatives against] blood [relatives.] |
Therefore, the land shall mourn & everyone, [who] dwells [in it] shall [waste away] with the [animals] of the field, & the [birds] of heaven. [Yes,] the fish of the sea, shall also [waste] away. |
[Still] let no man [fight,] nor [chastise] another. For your people are [like those, who argue] with the priest. Therefore, you shall [stumble on] the day, & the prophet shall also [stumble] with you [during] the night. And I will destroy your mother [land.] |
My people are destroyed, for [their] lack of knowledge. Because you [have] rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, [so] that you shall [not] be a priest [for] Me. [Since] you [have] forgotten the Law of your God, I will also forget your children. |
As they [were] increased, [a.k.a. multiplied,] so [did their sin] against Me [multiply.] Therefore, I will change their glory into shame. They eat up the sin of My people. |
[Leviticus 6:25-26 Speak to Aaron & to his sons, saying, This is the Law of the sin offering. In the place where the burnt offering is killed, the sin offering shall be killed before the Lord. It is Most Holy. The priest, [who] offers it for sin, shall eat it. It shall be eaten in the Holy Place, in the court of the tabernacle of the congregation.] |
And they [focus] their heart on their [sinfulness.] And I will punish them for their ways & reward, [a.k.a. repay] them [for] their [actions.] And [it] shall be [the same for] the people & [priests.] For they shall eat, & not have enough. |
They shall commit [unfaithful harlotry] & shall not increase: because they have [stopped from paying attention] to the Lord. [Unfaithful harlotry,] wine, & new wine, take away, [lead astray,] the heart. |
[Isaiah 5:22-23 Woe to [those, who] drink wine [mightily,] & men of strength, [who mix] strong [drinks.] [Who] justify the wicked for reward, [a.k.a. bribes,] & take away the [rights] of the righteous from him!] |
My people ask for [advice, from] their [tree stumps] & their staff, [a.k.a. walking stick,] declares [visions] to them. For the spirit of their [unfaithful harlotry] has caused them to [go astray.] And they have gone [like an unfaithful harlot] from their God. |
[Isaiah 45:19-20 I haven't spoken in secret, in a dark [hidden] place of the earth. I [don't say] to the seed, [a.k.a. descendants] of Jacob, Seek Me in vain. I, the Lord, speak [what is] [righteous.] |
I declare things that are right. Assemble yourselves & draw [close] together, you, [who have] escaped [from] the nations. They have no knowledge that [put] up the wood of their [carved] image, & pray to a god that can't save.] |
They sacrifice upon the tops of the mountains & burn incense upon the hills, under: oaks; poplars; & elms, because [its shade] is good. [Deuteronomy 12:2-3 You shall [totally] destroy all the places, you shall possess, [with which] the nations served their gods, upon the high mountains, upon the hills, & under every green tree. |
And you shall overthrow their altars, break their pillars, & burn their groves with fire. And you shall [cut] down the [carved] images of their gods, & destroy the names of them out of that place.] |
Therefore, your daughters shall commit [what is] [unfaithful harlotry,] & your spouses shall commit adultery. I won't punish your daughter when they commit [unfaithful harlotry,] nor your spouses when they commit adultery. For, [they,] themselves are separated with [prostitutes,] & they sacrifice with harlots. |
Therefore, the people, [who don't] understand shall fall, [a.k.a. stumble.] [Exodus 34:14-17 For you shall worship no other god. For the Lord, Whose Name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Lest you make a covenant [contract] with the inhabitants of the land & they go [like an unfaithful harlot] after their gods, & sacrifice to their gods. |
And [someone] calls you, & you eat of his sacrifice. And you take [from] their daughters [for] your sons. And their daughters go [like an unfaithful harlot] after their gods & make your sons go [like unfaithful harlots] after their gods. You shall [not] make [yourself any molded] gods.] |
[Although,] you, Israel, play the harlot, [still don't] let Judah offend. [Isaiah 1:23-24 Your princes are rebellious, & [are] companions of thieves. Everyone loves gifts, [a.k.a. bribes,] & follows after rewards. |
They [don't] judge the fatherless, & neither does the [case] of the widow come to them. Therefore, the Lord, the Lord of Hosts, the Mighty One of Israel says, Ah, I will [relieve Myself] of [My] adversaries, & avenge [Myself] of [My] enemies.] |
And [don't] you [go] to Gilgal, & neither to Beth Aven, [a.k.a. Beth El,] nor swear, The Lord Lives. [1 Kings 12:27-30 If this people go up to sacrifice in the [Lord's] house in Jerusalem, then the heart of this people shall [return] again to their lord, even to Rehoboam, [Judah's] king, & they shall kill me, & go again to Rehoboam, [Judah's] king. |
[With this advice,] king [Jeroboam] made 2 calves of gold, & said to [the Israelites,] It's too much for you to go up to Jerusalem [to sacrifice.] [See,] your gods, O Israel, [that] brought you up, out of the land of Egypt. And he [put] 1 in Beth El, & he put the other in Dan.] And this thing became a sin: for the people went to worship before the 1, even to Dan.] |
For Israel [backslides like] a backsliding heifer, [a.k.a. young cow.] Now, the Lord will feed them [like] a lamb in a [large area.] Ephraim is [connected] to idols. [Leave] him alone. |
Continually, their drink [offerings] you give, is sour, [because] they have committed [unfaithful harlotry.] Her rulers love [what is] [shameful.] And they shall be ashamed, because of their sacrifices. Her wings [have been] [tied up, a.k.a limited by] the wind. |
[Psalm 106:34-39 They didn't destroy the nations, [about] whom, the Lord commanded them. But were [mixed] among the heathen, & learned their works. And they served their idols: which were a snare to them. |
[Yes,] they sacrificed their sons & their daughters to [demons] & shed [the] blood [of the] innocent, even the blood of their sons & their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan. |
And the land was [defiled] with [bloodshed.] [Like this, they were defiled with their own works, & went [like unfaithful harlots] after their own inventions.] |